SMBleed: A New Critical Vulnerability Affects Windows SMB Protocol
Cybersecurity researchers today uncover a new critical vulnerability affecting the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that could allow attackers to leak kernel memory remotely, and when combined with a previously disclosed "wormable" bug, the flaw can be exploited to achieve remote code execution attacks. Dubbed "SMBleed" (CVE-2020-1206) by cybersecurity firm ZecOps, the flaw resides in
How To Start PHP And MYSQL | The Best Server For PHP And MYSQL | Tutorial 1
Many of people want to start PHP programming embedded with MYSQL databases concepts. So i thought that I should start a series about PHP and MYSQL. So in this series of video tutorials you exactly got the content about PHP and MYSQL.
As PHP is server side scripting language. So it requires a server to get execute over the web browser. First of all you have to download and install a server that may be XAMPP, WAMPP or LAMPP. I'm using XAMPP server in the tutorials. So if you wanna follow me then download a XAMPP server. I'm using this because it has a good interface to work and it's really simple. XAMPP is compatible with windows, MAC and Linux operating as well. WAMPP is only for windows and LAMPP is used for MAC and Linux operating system. So i prefer XAMPP for this series.
How to create Database
Step 1:
Open Your XAMPP control panel and start Apache and Mysql services.
Step 2:
Go to your Web browser and type "localhost/phpmyadmin". It will open your databases area. If you have an error then your services are not in running state. If you have any error then comment below.
Step 3:
Click over the "new" to create a new database.
Step 4:
Write Database_Name and click over the Create button. For example Facebook, Students etc.
Step 5:
Write Table_Name like admin, users etc. your can increase and decrease the size of rows. Click over Save/Create button.
Step 6:
Write your Attribute_Names in first column like Username, Email, Passwords etc. In the next data type column you have to select the data type whether it is integer or string type etc. In the next column you have to set the length of string/words.
Step 7:
If you wanna go through with a Primary_Key. Then just you have to checked the Auto_Increment box as you will shown in the video. For further watch the video for better understanding.
Sería muy util poder administrar todos nuestros servidores desde la palma de la mano.
Sin embargo una shell linux, no es viable en el teclado de un teléfono incluso de un tablet, sobretodo porque hay que escribir muchos símbolos, por ejemplo el guión, y estos teclados están pensados más bien para texto.
Pues bien, de esta necesidad surgió la aplicación SSHControl:
Esta problematica la he solucionado a base de utilizar nevegadores y estructurar los outputs para no acumular excesiva información en la pantalla.
- Navegador de ficheros - Navegador de procesos - Navegador de conexiones - Navegador de logs - Navegador de drivers de kernel
Esto permite administrar múltiples servidores con un solo dedo :)
Controlar la seguridad de sus servidores ahora es bastante sencillo y ágil, por ejemplo con solo hacer un "tap" encima de un usuario, podemos ver sos procesos asociados, con hacer otro tap en un proceso podemos kilearlo, ver mas info etc .. Con hacer un tap encima de una apliacción, vemos sus conexiónes, con un tap en una conexión podemos agregar una regla de filtrado en el firewall, etc ..
En la siguiente versión habilitaré la opción de "Custom Commnands", la cual es muy util, cada administrador o usuario linux, tiene una serie de comandos que repite con mucha frecuencia, bien pues esta opción permite pre-programar estos comandos habituales, de manera que puedes lanzarlos con un simple tap.
En el roadmap tengo pensadas nuevas funcionalidades muy útiles :)
"Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis." read more...
How To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps
In android there is lots of personal data that can be accessed by any unauthorized apps that were installed on the device. This is just because your Android data is openly saved in your file explorer that is not encrypted or protected by encryption method, so, even normal app can also hijack your data very easily as the media access permissions are granted when you click on accept button while installing the apps. And this may be endangering the private data that you might not want to share with anyone. So here we have a cool way that will help you to make your data private by disallowing the apps to access your media files without your permission. So have a look on complete guide discussed below to proceed.
How To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps
The method is quite simple and just need a rooted android device that will allow the Xposed installer to run on the device. And after having the Xposed installer you will be using an Xposed module to disallow the apps to have access to your personal or say private data. For this follow the guide below.
Steps To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps:
Step 1. First of all, you need a rooted android as Xposed installer can only be installed on a rooted android, so Root your android to proceed for having superuser access on your android.
Step 2. After rooting your Android device you have to install the Xposed installer on your android and thats quite lengthy process and for that, you can proceed with our Guide to Install Xposed Installer On Android.
Step 3. Now after having an Xposed framework on your Android the only thing you need is the Xposed module that is DonkeyGuard – Security Management the app that will allow you to manage the media access for apps installed on your device.
Step 4. Now install the app on your device and after that, you need to activate the module in the Xposed installer. Now you need to reboot your device to make the module work perfectly on your device.
Step 5. Now launch the app and you will see all the apps that are currently installed on your device.
Step 6. Now edit the media permission for the apps that you don't want to have access to your media with private data.
That's it, you are done! now the app will disallow the media access to that apps.
Manually Checking App Permission
Well, our Android operating system offers a nice feature in which we can manage a single app's permission. However, you need to have Android 6.0 Marshmallow or a newer version to get the option.
Step 1. First of all, open Settings and then tap on 'Apps'.
Manually Checking App Permission
Step 2. Now you will see the list of apps that are currently installed on your Android smartphone. Now you need to select the app, and then you will see 'Permissions.'
Manually Checking App Permission
Step 3. Now it will open a new window, which will show you all permissions that you have granted to the app like Camera access, contacts, Location, microphone, etc. You can revoke any permissions as per your wish.
Manually Checking App Permission
Well, the same thing you need to perform if you feel that you have installed some suspicious app on your Android. By this way, you can protect your private data from Android apps.
There are many goodware and malware developed in pascal, and we will see that the binary generated by the pascal compilers is fascinating, not only because the small and clean generated binaries, or the clarity of the pascal code, but also the good performance. In Linux we have Lazarus which is a good free IDE like Delphi and Kylix the free pascal IDE for windows.
The program:
program strtest; var cstr: array[0..10] of char; s, s2: ShortString; begin cstr := 'hello world'; s := cstr; s2 := 'test'; WriteLn(cstr + ' ' + s + ' ' + s2); end.
We are going to compile it with freepascal and lazarus, and just the binary size differs a lot:
And surprisingly turbopascal binaries are extremely light. Lets start with lazarus:
Logically it imports from user32.dll some display functions, it also import the kernel32.dll functions and suspiciously the string operations of oleaut32.dll
And our starting point is a function called entry that calls the console initialization and retrieve some console configurations, and then start a labyrinth of function calls.
On functions 10000e8e0 there is the function that calls the main function.
I named execute_param2 because the second param is a function pointer that is gonna be executed without parameters, it sounds like main calling typical strategy. And here we are, it's clearly the user code pascal main function.
What it seems is that function 100001800 returns an string object, then is called its constructor to initialize the string, then the string is passed to other functions that prints it to the screen.
This function executes the method 0x1c0 of the object until the byte 0x89 is a null byte. What the hell is doing here? First of all let's create the function main:
Simply right button create function:
After a bit of work on Ghidra here we have the main:
Note that the struct member so high like 0x1b0 are not created by default, we should import a .h file with an struct or class definition, and locate the constructor just on that position.
The mysterious function was printing byte a byte until null byte, the algorithm the compiler implemented in asm is not as optimized as turbopascal's.
In Windbg we can see the string object in eax after being created but before being initialized:
Just before executing the print function, the RCX parameter is the string object and it still identical:
Let's see the constructor code. The constructor address can be guessed on static walking the reverse-cross-references to main, but I located it in debugging it in dynamic analysis.
The constructor reads only a pointer stored on the string object on the position 0x98.
And we have that the pointer at 0x98 is compared with the address of the literal, so now we know that this pointer points to the string. The sentence *string_x98 = literal confirms it, and there is not memory copy, it only points reusing the literal.
The starting labyrinth is bigger than Lazarus so I had to begin the maze from the end, searching the string "hello world" and then finding the string references:
There are two ways to follow the references in Ghidra, one is [ctrl] + [shift] + F but there is other trick which is simply clicking the green references texts on the disassembly.
At the beginning I doubted and put the name possible_main, but it's clearly the pascal user code main function.
The char array initialization Is converted by freepascal compiler to an runtime initialization using mov instructions.
Reducing the coverage on dynamic we arrive to the writeln function:
EAX helds a pointer to a struct, and the member 0x24 performs the printing. In this cases the function can be tracked easily in dynamic executing the sample.
And lands at 0x004059b0 where we see the WriteFile, the stdout descriptor, the text and the size supplied by parameter.
there is an interesting logic of what happens if WriteFile() couldn't write all the bytes, but this is other scope. Lets see how this functions is called and how text and size are supplied to figure out the string object.
EBX helds the string object and there are two pointers, a pointer to the string on 0x18 and the length in 0x18, lets verify it on windbg.
And here we have the string object, 0x0000001e is the length, and 0x001de8a68 is the pointer.
Hacking Everything With RF And Software Defined Radio - Part 2
YardStick One Unleashed, Automating RF Attacks In Python - An RFCat Primer
I decided to dive into our current device a bit more before moving on to a new device, and really ramp up the skillsets with RFCat and the Yardstick.So for this blog you will need our previous Target and a Yardstick One. We will be hacking everyting using only the Yardstick and Python.
So last time we scanned for signals with GQRX and a Software Defined Radio device. We took the demodulated wave forms in Audacity and discerned what the binary representation of our wave forms were by decoding them manually. We then transferred those into a hex format that our yardstick understood.However there is a way to do everything with our Yardstick. It will require a bit more understanding of the RFCat library, and a bit of python.
This blog will be your RFCAT primer and coding tutorial, but don't be scared with the word "Programming" I will be using simple code, nothing complicated.So if your a programmer, tune out any coding explanation and understand RFCat, if your not a coder, then use this as a jumping point to start making some quick python scripts for hacking.
Video Series PlayList Associated with this blog:
The first thing we did in our last blog after looking up the frequency was to open up GQRX and check if we can see our devices signals. As it turns out you can actually do this in python with RFCat. Which is really convenient if you left your Software Defined Radio dongle at home but happen to have access to a Yardstick.
RFCat as a Spectrum Analyzer:
In order to use RFCat as a spectrum analyzer we need to make sure we have RFcat installed and a few prerequisites such as python and PySide modules.I actually did this inside of an Ubuntu VMware because Pyside was giving me issues on OSX and I didn't feel like trying to fix it. So If you spin up an ubuntu vm you can do the following to get things up and running..
Install Spectrum Analyzer PreReqs:
sudo pip install PySide
sudo apt-get install ipython
Plug in your adapter and type in the following:
rfcat -r
You will then see the below output of RFCat Specan running in the 315 MHz range.
Click our doorbell, or trip the motion sensor and you will see a frequency spike as shown in the second picture.
This is similar to what you saw in GQRX but all with your Yardstick and the Python RFCat library.
So everything seems to be working and we can see our devices transmitting on the 315MHz frequency.Unfortunately we have no record button on Spescan. This leaves us to dive a little deeper into RFCat. We will see what RFCat can do for us in the recording and sniffing capacity.
Sniffing RF Data With The YardStick and Python:
In RFCat there is a simple listening command in our interactive session which will give us an idea of what is being transmitted and in what type of data format we are recieving. When using GQRX we received a WAV file, but what does RFCat give us?One thing I have realized over the years is programming is all about dealing with data in various formats and figuring out how to parse and use it in various implementations. So the first thing we have to figure out is what kind of data we are dealing with.
Lets hop back into RFCat and set a few parameters so the yardstick knows to listen on 315MHz and to use ASK modulation.The settings below should all be familiar from our last blog with an exception of "lowball" which configures the radio to use the lowest level of filtering. We basically want to see everything but may experience some noise by not filtering it out.. For example before you hit your doorbell button you may see random FF FF FF FF data outputted to the screen.
Below is the cmdline input needed and some example output. After all of our settings are in place we can use RF.listen() to start listening for everything in the 315000000 frequency range and have it output to the screen.
After you set it up, you can press the button on your doorbell and you will receive the following output. We have lots of zeros and what might be some hex output.
Destroy ficti0n$rfcat -r
>>> d.setFreq(315000000)
>>> d.setMdmModulation(MOD_ASK_OOK)
>>> d.setMdmDRate(4800)
>>> d.setMaxPower()
>>> d.lowball()
>>> d.RFlisten()
Entering RFlisten mode...packets arriving will be displayed on the screen
If you hit "ENTER" in your terminal you will stop receiving packets and drop back into a python interactive terminal. If we take a look at the repeating pattern in the above output, it looks like some random patterns and then a repeating pattern of, 84e708421084e738.If we convert that to binary we can compare with what we decoded WAV from our previous blog.
Since we are already in a python terminal you can type the following to see the binary representation:
Lets break that up into 8 bit bytes and compare it to our previous blogs binary, hmm its lot different then what we originally decoded the signal to be:
If we take the above capture data and format it correctly for RFcat with the replay code from the last blog. When we send it over, it does indeed ring the doorbell, thats interesting. A completely different value in both hex and in binary and still we get a doorbell to ring. So the variance we talked about last time extends a bit more. Below is the code with the new hex from the capture data:
I will also take a minute to note something before we continue. I had a little trouble at first when using a telescopic antenna in RFcat and the YardStick.So I will list those issues below as notes for you to play with if you run into random looking captures when pressing your doorbell button.
When using a telescopic antenna closed I had almost repeating output with some random bits flipped
When extending the antenna it went crazy output with random noise
I then used a small rubber ducky antenna and got the repeating output shown above.
What we have done so far:
So above, we managed to figure out the following all in RFCat
Verify the frequency with RFCat
How can I listen for it and capture a transmission with RFCat
How can I send this transmission with RFCat
We have basically eliminated the immediate need for the graphical tools that we were using in the last blog. Not to say that they are not useful. They absolutely are, and we should use them often and know how to work with all kinds of formats and understand everything.. However, if we are living in a reality that all we have is a Yardstick and no other tools. We are not helpless and we can still kick some serious RF butt.
Now we are going to take this a bit further so we can learn some more about RFCat, Python and mistakesI made when trying to automate this stuff. I found some interesting quirks I had to work through and I would like to save others some time who are also in the learning process as I am.
Using RFrecv() for Listening:
Ok first thing I learned is that RFListen() is not all that useful when it comes to automating this stuff. I tried to set its output to a variable but that did not seem to work.. So instead we will be working with another feature that lets us listen and that is RFrecv().If we fire up our RFCat in the terminal again we can give that a try:
Destroy:~ ficti0n$ rfcat -r
>>> d.setFreq(315000000)
>>> d.setMdmModulation(MOD_ASK_OOK)
>>> d.setMdmDRate(4800)
>>> d.setMaxPower()
>>> d.lowball()
>>> d.RFrecv()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/rflib/", line 1376, in RFrecv
data = self.recv(APP_NIC, NIC_RECV, timeout)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/rflib/", line 664, in recv
ChipconUsbTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for USB response.
OK thats not cool we are getting a weird error if we don't get a signal right away regarding ChipconUsbTimeoutException.
No problem since we are in a python terminal we can just capture this exception and pass it, then continue with sniffing.This is done with a Try/Except block.
... d.RFrecv()
... except ChipconUsbTimeoutException:
... pass
That looks a little better, I am no longer receiving errors, but lets put this in a loop so we are continuously listening with RFrecv() and press our doorbell so we can capture our doorbell signal.Below is the output of a random signal that came in followed by our doorbell.. but its all kinds of crazy looking and a bit hard to read:
... d.RFrecv()
... except ChipconUsbTimeoutException:
... pass
while True:
... try:
... d.RFrecv()
... except ChipconUsbTimeoutException:
... pass
Lets try to fix the output a little and make it more readable by encoding it before we view it. Open up your text editor and use the following code.What we are doing here is simply setting up our listener as we did before and then setting it to a variable we can use.
Line 12: Setting our RFrecv() output to the variable y and z. The y variable is the output that we want
Line 13: We will wrap the y variable with an encode function to encode it with a HEX encoding.
Line 14: After that we just print it out.
When we run this script from the command line we will get a much nicer output shown below, much like we did with the RFlisten function above. The big difference being that our data is now set to the variable "capture"on line 13 and we can do what we want with that data. For example we can directly replay that data rather then manually performing the actions.
Parsing and replaying data:
This actually took me a bit of time to figure out, so we need to do a few things to get this to work:
We need to parse out the data from the surrounding 0s
We need to convert it to a format we can send (tricker then it sounds)
We need to add padding and send that data over (We know how to do this already)
Parsing Data:
So with this I first tried all kinds of regular expressions, but for some reason the inverse of more then 3 zeros in a row does not seem to work. I am no regex master but that seemed like it should be working. I then tried a few creative solutions reducing repeating zeros down to pairs that I could split on with string functions. This actually worked well but then my buddy showed me this which was more efficient:
re.split ('0000*', capture)
All this is doing is using the regex library to parse on a set of 4 or more zerosand return whats left in a list of useable hex data for sending.So lets add that into our code and give it a try to see what we get back. I made the following code changes:
Line 2: Import the Regex library
Line 11: We defined the capture variable so we can access it outside of the Try Block and the loop
Line 21: We created a payloads variable and created a list from the capture file of non 0000 blocks
Line 22: We print out our list of useable payloads which can been seen in the below output
Data Format Woes:
So we have data in a list we can pull from, thats awesome but I ran into a few issues. I first tried to parse this data into the \x format we normally used when sending our attack payloads manually, but that actually does not work. Reason being that if I use a code snippet like the following to convert this data into the right format everything looks ok and something like this \x84\xe7\x08\x42\x10\x84\xe7.But it won't actually work when I send it with RFCat. For some reason when you paste in your own hex its in a different format then if you programmatically create hex like below. You don't really need to understand the code below, just know it takes our payload and creates the hex in a visual format to what we used in the last blog:
for payload in payloads:
formatted = ""
if (len(payload) > 6) and (len(payload) % 2 == 0):
print "Currently being formatted: " + payload
iterator = iter(payload)
for i in iterator:
formatted += ('\\x'+i + next(iterator))
Formatted Hex Vs Manually Pasted Hex
So lets compare the outputs of our manually created Hex String versus what we get when we format with the above code
Below is the output of the following:
Your encoded capture
Your parsed payloads in a nice list
Your payload being processed into hex.
But this is where things go wrong, you then have :
Your nicely formatted Hex created by your code above (Yay for us)
Then you have your manually pasted in hex from your original attack payloads as unprintable characters(What?)
You can clearly see there is a major difference between when we manually paste in our hex like we did in the last blog and when we create it from our capture file.This led to another sleepless night of researching whats going on. I did a bunch of troubleshooting until I found some code on the RFcat site and saw it using the BitString library and something called BitArray.The examples for this library were using binary data instead of hex and then converting it.
BitString BitArray Formating FTW:
If you remember above we created binary input with some python, so lets use that code in our current program template and then feed it into byteArray and see what happens. We can install bitstring with the following:
Install Bitstring:
sudo pip install bitstring
Our New code using BitString:
Line 2: I imported bitstring
Line 25: I added a for loop to go through our payload list one by one
Line 27: I convert our current payload to binary
Line 28: I take that binary and I feed it into bitstring to fix the formatting issues
Lines 29-30:Print out our binary and our new data that match our manually pasted data format, shown below
With these conversions the data above looks like its correct to attack our target devices. I know this seems like a lot of steps, but honestly this is only 50 lines of code in all to automate our replay attacks in a simple way.It is also very easy if you know what your doing and don't spend all of your time figuring it out like I did. You just need to understand how to work with the types of data each component understands.
With this latest code update we are ready to send our code with a simple modification to our RFxmit line from the last blog. We will now change RXxmit to take our formatted variable and then append our padding:
Below is our full code to automate this attack, with a few changeups, but not many.. Really all I did was add some conditional statements to limit our data to longer payloads that are divisible by 2 since our hex takes 2 string characters for example \x41 is the string character 4 and 1.I originally did this for the iterator code which required the proper amount of characters but decided to leave it since it makes sense anyway.I also set it so that if there is a capture it breaks out of the loop. This way we are not continuously attacking every transmission we see. Instead for our testing we can hit our doorbell, replay all the values before our script finishes and exits.
Note: I sent similar code to a friend and had him run it against a black box real world target. He had permission to attack this target via the owner of a facility and it worked flawlessly. So although a doorbell is a trivial target. This same research applies to garages, gates, and any other signal not using protection mechanism such as rolling code, multiple frequencies at once etc.
Also note that when you run this, almost all of the payloads in your list will ring the doorbell which is why I put a timing variable before the sending command. This way your doorbell isn't overburdened. I already broke a few of these devices during testing LOL.
I have since modified this code to be more effective, and have additional features and more niceties, I will release that code when its ready.. For now enjoy the below code and hit me up with any questions or comments.
I hope this blog is helpful in demystifying RFCat in order to successfully perform/automate attacks with only Python and your Yardstick One. This is essentially a few nights of my research posted here for everyone to learn from. Because it was a pain to find useful information, and I would like to save other people a lot of sleepless nights. I am by no means the master of RF or RFCat, there is tons more to learn. Up next I will get back on track with a real world attack against a device and creating our own keyfobs to replay our attacks in the future.